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Fast Forward

Now that all of the life change and growth talk is out of my system (well for now...) I can catch everyone up on the happenings in our sweet family!        End of 2017 - I started Graduate school for my MSN in Leadership this month. We ventured to Washington, D.C. for a week! It was a dream of Andru's and ended up being such an experience for us all! If you have ever been to D.C. then you know we didn't see but half of it or less in a week and need to go back, but it was wonderful. We went to most of the Smithsonian museums, the bureau of engraving and printing, all the monuments, and many wonderful restaurants. Oh and the Capitol!! We didn't make the White house on this trip but Andru did get to see Lincoln's top hat and the Ford Theatre where he was shot plus the house he died in. We loved it and can't wait for a return visit after some other adventures.      The remainder of 2017 was not as eventful but we did have a great New Year's party at my brother

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